Would you like to know whether your municipality has a suitable area for PV and/or wind turbines?
Our Project Development department provides independent and fair assessments, and also informs about the new municipal flexibility clause for wind energy areas.
Generating clean energy not only helps the environment – municipalities and their citizens can also benefit financially and economically from cooperation.
In this sense, renewable energy parks installed by greenwind contribute to increasing the financial power of local authorities, including special annual levies, trade tax revenue and much more. Last but not least, our compensation measures often enhance the region.
Simply contact us!
Since 1 January 2024, municipal heat planning has been a mandatory task for every municipality under the German Heat Planning Act and the first step towards a coordinated and harmonised conversion of the heat supply to climate neutrality by 2045. The most important phases are: 1. survey, 2. potential analysis, 3. scenario development, 4. heat transition strategy, 5. stakeholder participation, and 6. public relations.
We advise on, and implement, municipal heat planning with you.
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Would you like to know more about the greenwind Group? Get to know us personally – we would be pleased to meet you. Feel free to request specific quotations for our wide range of services.