Repowering: 8 x Beeskow, 1 x Schrepkow

greenwind is currently increasingly repowering in Brandenburg, Germany. In Beeskow this consists of eight turbines for which Green Wind Construction GmbH & Co. KG is responsible for construction management of the infrastructure for cooperation partners enercity Erneuerbare GmbH, Alterric Deutschland GmbH and greenwind. Eight new turbines are replacing seven obsolete ones in the repowering project, meaning that the wind park has a capacity of 44.48 MW in the first construction phase. Four further wind turbines with a total output of 22.24 MW will be erected in the second construction phase. In the Schrepkow repowering project, an N133/4.8 will be added to the greenwind wind park in the municipality of Gumtow in the second construction phase. The foundations and cables for this have already been laid and both construction projects are completely on schedule. On the greenwind side, nothing stands in the way of commissioning for the fourth quarter of 2024.

2 Enercon turbines for greenwind
Crane positioning pads have recently been completed at all eight sites of the Beeskow wind park and the foundation work is progressing. The concrete tower has already been erected at two locations and underground cable construction is in full swing. The project is scheduled for completion in mid-September, and system components for all Enercon E-160 EP 5 turbines will be delivered in August. Two of these turbines will be added to the portfolio by greenwind.

Interaction with other systems
Our photo shows project development employee Jan Eggers who supports project manager Maximilian Horn with site supervision, documents and monitors the progress of construction and makes any necessary adjustments in conjunction with other systems. In Beeskow the current focus was on the access route with regards haulage company, plant manufacturer and road builder, and in Schrepkow on acceptance of the foundation.

Photo: greenwind

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