Approved: V162, the most powerful

After arduous wrangling, one of the most powerful wind turbines has now been granted approval: The V162, 6.0 MW is to be constructed at the Werder-Zinndorf wind farm in Rehfelde (Märkisch-Oderland district, Brandenburg) in 2024. The total height of the V162 is 250 m, the hub height 169 m. Danish manufacturer Vestas puts its total rotor area at 20,612 m².

Faced with numerous legal and planning obstacles, it took project developer Sebastian Olbrich two years to obtain approval for the project (photo). In this context, the German Wind Energy Association (BWE) agrees that “not all authorities are yet making proper use of the good federal laws for accelerating procedures for the expansion of wind energy.” But the foundations have now been laid to obtain faster approval for more wind turbines in the region. The wind turbine that has now been approved will be built in 2024 at a distance of 1,000 m from residential buildings and presumably in the future priority area. To protect local residents, Green Wind has plans for night-time noise reduction.

A special consideration is that several oil and gas lines cross the wind farm. In order to minimize the risk of damage, regular inspections of the wind turbine are planned. This is a special case for Green Wind Engineering, which can detect the causes of rotor blade and tower failure at an early stage with regular vibration measurements. Green Wind’s expertise can thus become a blueprint for further wind turbine planning at the wind farm and beyond, including for other project developers.

Photo: Axel Lemke, Green Wind